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Person functions

Feature front page   Organisation functions   Person functions   Applications
If you click on the menu items above you get info and guidance on organisation functions, people functions and applications.

Below you can see a list of features and functions, which are explained.

1. My Profile

1.1 My Profile

Displays a members profile page.

If you wish edit you own profile, click on "edit my profile".

1.2 Edit my profile

Here you can edit your profile at ClubPeople. The more you fill out on your profile page, the more you will get out of ClubPeople.

1.3 Sub users and Switch User

Here you can create new users under your own profile, so you only have one login (one email address) for multiple users. It is, for example often relevant for parents who want to control their children's profile on ClubPeople. A user can later be converted into a normal user just by changing the email address on the profile page.

Create a sub-user by typing the user name in the "Add new sub-user" and then press the Add icon.

Once set up you can always switch between your users on this page, and thus act as the user switched into on ClubPeople.

2. Messages

2.1 Inbox

This is your inbox. A received messages will be here.

2.2 New Message

Here you can write a message to other users. Start by selecting the recipients of your message. You can also attach files to the message.

Attachments must be max of 1 MB.

2.3 Sent Messages

All the messages sent to other users.

2.4 My Invitations

Here you can see and accept all the invitations you've received. It may be invitations to join organisations, invitations to events, or become a trustee of the organisation, etc. You can also see all the invitations you have sent to others.

3. My Friends

3.1 My Friends

Here you can see a list of all your friends. Add more friends through "Add Friend" in the left menu.

3.2 Add Friends

Here you can find and add new friends. You can find member friends on ClubPeople or invite friends who are not yet a member of ClubPeople.

Select Recipients: Choose recipients of your invitation by clicking "Select Recipients". On the first tab "ClubPeople Network" you'll find people who already are members of ClubPeople and add them as recipients of your friend invitation. To invite others, you choose the tab "Invite Others". Once you have selected one or more people to invite, you close the popup image and you can now see them in the recipient field.

Optional message: Here you can write any message that you want to be sent together with your invitation. Finally click on "Send invitations" and the selected recipients will receive your invitation.

4. Fans and Idols

4.1 My Fans

Here you can become a fan of other people or organisations.

- Under the tab "People", you can find a person you wish to become a fan of and see a list of those you have already chosen as your idol. Select "Add idol"
Under the tab "organisations" you can find a organisation that you wish to be a fan of and see the list of those you have already selected as the idol clubs. Choose "Add a organisation"

4.2 My Idols

Here you can become a fan of other individuals or organisations.

- Under the tab "People" you can find a person you want to be a fan of and see a list of those you have already chosen as idols. Select "Add idol"
- Under the tab "organisations" you can find a organisation that you can be a fan of and see a list of those you've already selected as the idol clubs. Choose "Add a organisation"

Feature front page   Organisation functions   Person functions   Applications

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